Five Typical Health Hazards on Construction Sites

21st May 2024

In order to construct residential, commercial, institutional, and infrastructure projects, construction workers must endure physically hard labour. Employers and employees must abide by established safety standards and regulations in this high-hazard business. Learn about the top five health hazards that often occur on building sites and how to avoid them.

1. Struck-By Accidents

On construction sites, there are moving machines and tools that can swing and lift objects. Workers in locations close to roads must also deal with passing civilian traffic. Workers using heavy equipment and pedestrians must exercise caution when nearing it to prevent struck-by accidents, which are one of the main causes of construction-related fatalities.

Work clothing with high visibility might lessen the chance of injury from strikes. Workers are easier to spot by others when they are dressed in hi-vis clothing. It is recommended that construction workers wear bright hi-vis garments with retroreflective material for improved visibility in low light.

2. Constant Vibration

Power tool vibration that occurs repeatedly on construction sites is another significant health danger. Among construction workers, Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) is a prevalent injury. Hand tingling and numbness, loss of hand strength, loss of feeling in the fingers, and aching hands upon waking up in the middle of the night are all signs of HAVS.

Handheld power tools, equipment used on the ground, and vibrating power tools can all expose people to HAVS. Conventional devices' vibration characteristics are lessened by anti-vibration (A/V) tools. Anti-vibration gloves are another item that workers should use to prevent HAVS.

3. Hearing Impairment

Excessive and repetitive noise can damage hearing and possibly result in deafness. Loud noises from power equipment and heavy-duty trucks can be rather distracting at work.

Employers are required to give employees appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) for hearing. Among the PPE that can guard against hearing impairments are pre-molded plugs, canal caps, earmuffs, and expandable foam plugs.

4. Trips, Falls, and Slips

One of the main reasons for worker injuries in the construction industry is slips, trips, and falls. Falls, trips, and slides can be caused by uneven walkways, sloping terrain, dim lighting, debris, faulty scaffolding, dangerous steps and ladders, and exposed cables and wires.

Employers must perform risk assessments to detect risky causes and review if present risk preventions are enough for everyone's safety at construction sites, just like they must for other risks. Workers need to understand the hazards they face and how to manage them. Everyone should keep debris out of walking channels.

5. Manual Labour

Injuries to the muscles and joints can result from manually manipulating materials. A person's risk of suffering from minor injuries like lower back pain or more serious ones like disc herniation increases when they lift and carry objects incorrectly or with improper form.

When handling products repeatedly or moving big objects securely, staff members should utilise the appropriate equipment. Employers are required to make sure that all employees are aware of the correct physical form while moving objects manually.

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