Send branded apparel to your remote staff

14th May 2024

An evolution within the events sector?

In contrast to approximately one month ago, the global landscape has undergone a significant transformation. Presently, a vast majority of employees are engaged in remote work from their residences, utilising video and audio software for communication and collaboration.

We conduct business with a significant number of clients in the events sector, particularly in the software and technology industries. These clients participate in global trade shows, organise sales events, conduct training courses, and host partner events. Depending on the nature of the occasion, these are typically conducted at a sizable convention centre or a posh hotel, where participants are catered to with excellent service and wine.

We wouldn't be surprised if many of these companies radically altered the way in which they conduct their events – while there is no substitute for in-person discussions, given the state of technology at our disposal, virtual events and conferences are likely to proliferate significantly over the next twelve months, if not longer.

Annual sales commence in a distinctive manner

A number of our clients organise yearly sales "kick-offs" during which they convene their entire workforce for a week or weekend of educational activities, vision-sharing, and enjoyment. In light of the recent restrictions on large gatherings, one of our clients opted to conduct their annual kick-off remotely, with each employee logging in electronically.

During several of these gatherings, employees may receive branded work merchandise, including hoodies, water bottles, t-shirts, and anything else practical bearing the organization's insignia. Despite the fact that their entire current staff is at home, our client wished to maintain the company t-shirt tradition by having each team member attend the kickoff in one.

Organising an affair remotely? Help us out

We can assist you in organising a virtual event for your clients, partners, or employees. We can coordinate the pick-up, packing, and distribution of promotional merchandise and branded apparel directly to each recipient.

Get in touch with us at 020 3887 0364 or for further details.